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Published: December 28, 2023

2023 Cybersecurity Predictions: A Retrospective Analysis

By Annie articles

As we approach the end of 2023, it’s insightful to reflect on the various cybersecurity predictions made at the year’s start. How accurate were these forecasts in the face of an ever-evolving digital landscape? This article revisits these predictions, comparing them with the realities of cybersecurity in 2023.

Predictions that came true

Embracing Zero Trust – TRUE

In 2023, Zero Trust emerged as a critical cybersecurity strategy, driven by the evolving landscape of cyber threats and the shift towards distributed workforces. The need for a more robust and flexible security model became evident with the increase in sophisticated cyberattacks, particularly those targeting remote and cloud-based systems. This paradigm shift was further accelerated by government initiatives, notably President Biden’s 2021 Executive Order, which emphasized the adoption of Zero Trust architectures in federal networks and beyond.

​​Targeted Ransomware Attacks – TRUE

The prediction of an increase in sophisticated ransomware attacks targeting high-value entities in 2023 was remarkably accurate. Notable examples include the January attack on Royal Mail and the significant breach at MCNA Dental, where personal records of 9 million patients were compromised. Additionally, the cl0p ransomware group’s assault on MOVEit was particularly severe, impacting around 600 organizations and affecting nearly 40 million people to date. These incidents vividly demonstrate that cybercriminals are intensifying their focus on high-value and vulnerable targets. The escalating scale and sophistication of these attacks underscore the urgent need for robust security protocols, especially within major organizations and critical infrastructure sectors, to defend against these growing cyber threats.

Rise in Cloud Breaches – TRUE

The anticipated increase in cloud-native security breaches materialized significantly in the past year, marking a concerning trend in the realm of cloud security. According to the 2023 Thales Cloud Security Study, 39% of businesses reported experiencing data breaches within their cloud environments, representing a 4% increase from the previous year. This trend is further compounded by the fact that an increasing volume of sensitive data is being migrated to the cloud. Approximately 75% of businesses now report that over 40% of their cloud-stored data is sensitive, showing a significant jump of 26% from the previous year. Alarmingly, despite this surge in sensitive data storage in the cloud, it’s estimated that only about 45% of this data is encrypted, highlighting a critical gap in data protection measures.

AI’s Pivotal Role in Cybersecurity – TRUE

AI’s significant advancement in cybersecurity roles has been a highlight of 2023. Its application in threat detection, management, and response has proven invaluable, especially in analyzing large data sets, managing security alerts, and responding swiftly to threats like malware. In the coming years, rapid advancements in AI will lead to the development of more sophisticated and varied attack methods. These methods will likely include automated processes, covert operations, social manipulation, and advanced information collection. Consequently, it is expected that AI-driven attacks will be more accessible to attackers with lower skill levels within the next five years. As traditional forms of cyberattacks become less effective, the increasing availability and affordability of AI technologies and tools will encourage more attackers to adopt AI-based methods for cyberattacks.

Rising Legal Stakes for CISOs in Cybersecurity Incidents – TRUE

The implementation of the SEC’s new rule on cyber incident reporting represented a pivotal change, substantially increasing the responsibilities and burdens shouldered by Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs). According to Proofpoint’s Voice of the CISO report, released in May, an overwhelming 62% of CISOs already expressed apprehension about potential liabilities connected to incident response and corporate governance. This year, there has been a discernible shift towards greater legal accountability for CISOs in the realm of cybersecurity incidents. High-profile legal cases, including those involving Uber’s former chief security officer and SolarWinds’ ex-CISO, highlight a transformative change in the legal landscape regarding cybersecurity lapses. These cases underscore the critical importance of proper governance and responsible management of cyber incidents. In response to these evolving challenges, CISOs and their fellow risk executives are increasingly seeking expanded liability protection, typically provided through directors and officers insurance.

Chatbot AIs: A Forecast of Destructive Potential  – TRUE

Chatbots experienced a troubling trend of being used negatively, particularly in the realm of cybersecurity and online harassment. This year saw the emergence of sophisticated cyber threats leveraging AI, including the manipulation of large language models (LLMs) for creating harmful content. One alarming use of AI was the creation and dissemination of deepfake images. More than 15 billion deepfake images, mostly of a pornographic nature, were produced since April 2022, many targeting unsuspecting individuals. This exploitation of AI technology led to significant emotional distress and privacy violations for the victims. But as chatbots become even more capable of generating realistic text and imagery, their misuse will continue to rise in future years.

Predictions that did not come true 

Quantum Decryption Awareness – NOT TRUE

The prediction that every organization would be wrestling with quantum decryption capabilities by the end of 2023 might have been a bit ahead of its time. While awareness of quantum computing and its potential impact on cybersecurity has certainly grown, the widespread grappling with quantum decryption across organizations has not been prominently observed in the 2023 cybersecurity discourse.

Metaverse Security Concerns- NOT TRUE

The prediction about security concerns in the metaverse pointed to an emerging area of cybersecurity. However, given that the metaverse is still in its early stages of development and adoption, the specific security challenges in this domain did not become as prominent as anticipated within 2023.

Automation Is Finally Ready for Prime Time- NOT TRUE

The anticipation that security automation would be primed for mainstream adoption in 2023 did not fully materialize. Despite predictions which envisioned automation evolving to replace not only human workers but also ‘useless middle management’, the actual deployment and impact of such automation in the cybersecurity field remained more limited than expected.

Critical Infrastructure Is Set to Burn- NOT TRUE

Fears of a dramatic shift in the nature of attacks on critical infrastructure, particularly the sabotage of fiber cables causing widespread internet outages did not come to pass. While the concern for the security of critical infrastructure remains high, the specific scenario of network supply chain disruptions and continent-wide internet outages did not unfold as predicted in 2023.


In retrospect, the cybersecurity landscape of 2023 has been shaped by a diverse array of factors, including technological innovations and shifts in work culture. The relative accuracy of these predictions underscores the necessity for proactive and adaptable strategies in the ongoing battle against cyber threats. As the domain continues to evolve, staying abreast of emerging trends and adapting to novel challenges is crucial for effective cybersecurity management.

Our large and diverse network of experts is here to help...

Charles M.


Charlies is a 14 year cyber security expert. He started his career in the U.S. armed forces and then transitioned into commercial roles. A security engineer by training, he's well-versed in tool deployment and administration.

Ellen K.

GRC Expert

Ellen bring a decade of GRC expertise to the TalPoint community. She's knowledgeable on a variety of frameworks and employs a methodical approach to compliance. She's available for needs assessments, gap assessments, internal audits, and for certain frameworks running independent 3rd party audits.

Zachary C.

Founder and CRO

Zachary bring a 20+ year career in risk management to the TalPoint community. He's worked across healthcare, finance, and supply chain manufacturing. His broad experience offers both a holistic view of risk as well as a common sense approach to risk management.