Data Privacy

A data privacy consultant can help your organization in a number of ways, such as:

  1. Conducting a detailed review of the organization’s data collection, storage, and processing practices.
  2. Assisting with the development of a data privacy program, including but not limited to the creation of privacy notices, consent forms, and agreements.
  3. Detecting any potential risks to data privacy, such as breaches.
  4. Developing and implementing policies and procedures to protect personal data and adhere to compliance regulations. 
  5. Advising on incident response and data breach notification requirements, and helping with investigations.
  6. Providing training and education to employees on best practices and compliance requirements.
  7. Staying informed on updates to data privacy laws, regulations and industry standards, and advising the organization on any necessary updates to its data privacy program.
  8. Helping organizations to conduct regular data protection impact assessments.